About Us
The Los Angeles Film Conducting Intensive, what we do and why we do it.
The Los Angeles Film Conducting Intensive is dedicated to advancing the art of conducting by providing workshops and access to online resources to help media composers succeed on the podium. LAFCI is dedicated to providing exceptional training based on sound pedagogical practices coupled with experienced professional faculty.
The Los Angeles Film Conducting Intensive is the brain child between conductors David Newman and Angel Velez, designed to create an opportunity for media composers to further their skills as conductors. After cues are written, orchestrations completed, musicians hired and ready to play, one of the final moments in bringing your score to fruition is the physical production of sound. Whether you are working with a full 90 - piece orchestra or recording a quintet, knowing how to be an effective communicator on the podium is one of the last opportunities to ensure you deliver the highest quality product possible.
Our faculty are experienced professionals who love to share their knowledge and experiences to help strengthen your skills on and off the podium. The Los Angeles Film Conducting Intensive is here to provide you with resources and training to help you grow in your role as a conductor.
Our Services
The Los Angeles Film Conducting Intensive offers workshops with experienced professional faculty that allow for first hand opportunities to work with some of the top professional musicians in Los Angeles. Our programs are geared toward media composers (film/television/video games) to assist them in their role as a conductor. Along with the workshops, LAFCI provides free access to our online Resource Center which includes "An Inside Look", a series of in-depth interviews with professional conductors sharing their personal perspective on the craft of conducting.
LAFCI Interviewed by KUSC
KUSC's Tim Grieving interviewing LAFCI faculty members, David Newman and Angel Velez, and 2016 4-Day Intensive participant, Ludwig Gorannson at the Eastwood Scoring Stage at Warner Brothers Studios.